Bella Luna Beauty & Wellness
A sacred place to unwind and rejuvenate the body mind and soul

About Me

My name is Aubree Giudici. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist/Health Educator and Aesthetician who takes great pride in my work. I believe massage is a universal language of love and healing. 

I allow my intuitive abilities to flow freely with the purest of intention, leaving you feeling whole, calm, relaxed and more aware of yourself and your own personal healing journey. I incorporate the use of Swedish, Shiatsu , Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Proprioceptive Facilitation and many other modalities to help assist me in my sessions to bring you to that inner place of peace within your own being & to also find relief with chronic conditions. With a strongly intuitive approach, I strive to help others achieve balance in body, mind and spirit. 


Having gone through difficult times with my own skin, my passion for skin care was awakened. I knew I wanted to help people have and maintain beautiful, radiant and glowy skin. As a skin care therapist, I feel that educating the clients on their skin is one of the most important aspects of my career. How can you know what to do, if you don’t understand what’s happening? I understand how pigmentation, adult acne and premature aging not only put your skin in jeopardy, but also your self esteem and confidence. I believe that by providing my clients with the knowledge and tools to correct the situation, I can help each individual client reach their skin care goal. My deepest passion is to help you find that balance and initiate a deeper healing within. Our skin is a sign of what is going on inside so it is important to address our nutritional intake. My next step would be to find the best skin care regimen that perfectly suits you and your specific skin care needs. Our goal is to enhance your natural beauty while delicately preserving it.